Blue and Wight
Hey! Welcome to Blue and Wight.
As a recent graduate with a science Masters degree under my belt I wanted to turn my hand to something new. I'm a photographer at heart, I love being creative and I really enjoy writing, and so Blue and Wight was born.
Blue and Wight is a name that resonates with me, incorporating some of my favourite things. Blue for the sea - I've grown up by the sea and it truly is my happy place. I could spend all day and all night listening to the waves, watching the sunset and taking in the fresh air. Wight - I wanted this blog to be a calm place for me to escape to and white is a peaceful colour. I am from the Isle of Wight and so it only felt right to make the switch in words!
I plan to post about anything and everything that I enjoy - travel, healthy living, fashion, photography, food, life lessons, wedding planning, and so on.
I hope you enjoy! x